Brandon, MB to Regina, SK, to Calgary, AB
Radical Face - Ghost
Stein the Selector - Booyakacha!
Greek - episode 5
Wolf Parade - At Mt Zoomer
Stein the Selector - Cats=Poo
The Verve - Forth
This American Life podcasts
Sigur Ros album
Sound Opinions podcast
I'm combining the past 2 days because, honestly, they haven't been too exciting. Yesterday we spent the whole day in Brandon, visiting Colin's relatives. We stayed with his grandma, and his uncle Jack was visiting as well. He was in town getting his truck fixed, which had been hit by a deer. No, he didn't hit a deer. It hit the side of him! Then, I'm not sure how close to that incident, he hit a loon. He got off at the next rest stop to discover a dead loon lodged into his front grill. Lovely.
While we were in Brandon, we visited the town centre mall, the hospital (where his grandfather is), Smitty's Family Restaurant, and a white-person Chinese Buffet. Mom and Dad, Canadian chinese food just isn't the same without you.
We headed out around 8pm, the destination being Regina, SK for the night. The drive was long, flat, straight and boring. But fast! The speed limit on the Trans Canada around here is 110km. I think it should be 130km like it is in France, but oh well. We actually called 3 hotels before we could find a vacancy.

We decided to stay in a seedy motel for fun, the Inntowner. It wasn't terribly fun, as it turned out, but it was a cheap room for the night. With a rusty sink, a bathroom door missing a handle, and floor to ceiling floral curtains, it was sure a charmer! In the morning, we were getting ready and housekeeping barged in when I had only a towel on. A few minutes later, as I w
as getting dressed and had nothing on at all, some strange guy that I can only assume works for the motel as he had a key, barged in again. Fortunately I think I managed to hide behind the bathroom separating wall quick enough. There's a sign on the building that says it's about to become part of a chain called the Knights Inn. Usually I think it sucks when independant businesses are bought out by chains, but this time I'm glad and I hope those people all lose their jobs. Obviously they are not fit for the hospitality industry.
After yet another breakfast of eggs and homefries at a local diner (this one was called Mr. Breakfast and sorta felt like the camp cafeteria) we set out for Calgary. Holy crap, is it hot in the prairie today. It amazes me the aesthetic and meteorological differences between each province we've been through so far. (With our recent passing into Alberta, I've now had the honour of being in every province in Canada!) Thunder Bay was so cold that I saw a girl in a parka and was jealous. Manitoba was sunny and warm and I was able to dry some freshly laundered sweaters in a matter of hours outside. Saskatchewan has been baking hot, and the gigantic prairie sky has been free of clouds all day. It's killing our gas mileage, since we were forced to turn the a/c on today. The ground sure is flat here. And mostly golden in colour. The hay fields have all been harvested, and so it's just been miles and miles of fields of cows, horses and what I think are salt ponds.
We've just basically been driving and driving and driving, with one stop made in Swift Current to the Safeway, as I was dying for fruit. We got some grapes and bananas, and Colin got a Safeway soda called Dr. Skipper.
I love rip-offs! It reminded me of the Hapitos that they had in Indonesia.
(this one's for you, Carly Spencer!)
The vast fields can be pretty smelly. Either it's dry manure smell, or the smell of burning. Perhaps burning poo smell. We drove through a lot of clouds of smoke last night. I don't know if it makes sense that the farmers burn their fields once everything's been harvested so they can start with a clean slate next year? I really have no idea. It makes me wish I could turn off my sense of smell whenever I need to!

After 6 days of travel, our car is still in great shape. We have managed to keep everything packed in a pretty organized fashion, and can still see out all 6 windows. We have a totally ridiculous yet awesome set up going. We bought a power converter for the lighter to plug in whatever we needed to charge, be it the laptop, the camera battery, the two iPods, the portable speakers, the two cellphones, the radar detector, or the GPS. We actually stopped by a Canadian Tire in Sault Ste Marie to buy an expander thing so we could plug 3 lighter chargers in at once. This way, we can daisy-chain the GPS and iPod to the laptop and have everything hooked up at once. Before we left, we downloaded a bunch of movies and tv shows. So far we haven't really touched those except during the long prairie drive last night and today. We also brought the Sennheiser headphones for that extra listening enjoyment. Back to nature? Nooooooo thank you!
I will definitely want to give Umberto a good bath when we reach our destination, or maybe even pay someone to do it for me! I discovered the other day that my parents had taken back their garage door opener. I know that this makes sense, but for a minute there I was upset! I've always had an opener for my parents' garage, and this was just another reminder that Umberto will never make it back to Ontario. Once we reach BC, I think I have 90 days before I have to have a BC license plate put on.
In Calgary, we will visit and possibly crash at Colin's cousin's house. I met her and her boyfriend at the wedding this summer as well and I really liked them. They are both vets and have worked with large and small animals. So you know what this means!!!! Animals to cuddle!! I asked Tara if we could come to her work and cuddle random pets, but she'll be done work before we arrive in town. Boo. It would also be great to get a tour of Spruce Meadows, but that might have to wait until the next time we're in Calgary. We'll with the majority of this trip, we'll take things as they come, and go from there.
Animal Corner!!
Tonight was a gooooooooooooooood night. We are staying with Colin's cousin just outside Calgary and she and her boyfriend are both vets. So they have 3 cats and a dog! One's a ginger Maine Coon! With a lion cut!! Adorable. He's got a bit of a snot problem though. Another is a Bengal cat and he's apparently a lunatic, and then there's one they just recently took in who starts to purr so loudly as soon as you cuddle her. Unfortunately, the Bengal wants to kill her, so she has to be separated from the others. We also saw lots of cows, a mini pony farm and a lot of horses. All from the car, on the highway, but still. I said awwww a lot. Here are photos!!