I decided to show you a room in my house. Basically no room in the house is "finished" but this one's as close as it's gonna get for a while. By this, I mean that with other rooms we either still need to paint, or get furniture, or clear out junk. The only things about the den are that Colin's bikes are there cluttering up the place, and the futon will soon be a sofa bed. However, right now the sofa bed is in the living room until our other furniture arrives sometime in January.
So this is the den aka knick knack room. It might end up being my office if I ever need to actually use it (that is, if I ever were to get a job...!) but for now it houses one of my dressers, a small desk and a futon. There is a fireplace in it that we're having inspected sometime next week, but I can't see us using it much. Maybe we'll fill it with big candles instead!
Grumble got mad that I was taking photos and he wasn't in them, so he started bonking his head on chair legs:
In other news, I had a job interview today. It's for a 2 month internship at a place called BroadbandTV. I wasn't interested in it at all but then today I decided I was. The interview went well but who really knows. There were a lot of applicants I think. The dude interviewing me was all sweater and scarf styles, but he was super nice and friendly and made the job sound interesting. Then he told me it was an unpaid internship (the ad had said paid) but that every intern gets a bonus at the end. What that is, I don't know. A pair of socks? An umbrella? A pat on the back? Or some cold hard cash. Anyhow, it would be something to do that wouldn't be too soul-sucking while I apply for other jobs. Also, if the government deems me worthy of Employment Insurance, I can do this internship and not lose my mind while still looking productive to society.
Colin started his new job on Monday and it seems to be going alright. His main complaint is that there's a hockey table game right beside his desk and people keep playing it and it's loud and annoying. Apparently it plays the national anthem and says things like "nice goal!!" I think maybe he's just feeling sad that he hasn't made any friends to invite him to play yet. Anyhow, for me, Monday turned out pretty depressing. I wasn't sure how I would feel, having things go a bit more back to normal with one of us working...it turns out it made me feel like crapola. I tried to occupy myself all day by going grocery shopping and applying for EI and then making Colin a nice dinner...i'm like a housewife! My mom said that when her mom was made to move and leave her friends and job back home, she hated it and was bored and then ended up getting pregnant -- with my mom! Maybe that's what I'll do too. Be a pregnant housewife on EI!! Welcome to Vancouver!!
But Tuesday was better. I got up and went riding, stopped by a shop that I'd dropped off an application for part-time work on Monday, to introduce myself to the owner, then watched the start of the new season of Californication. It's even weirder to watch that show now that I know that David Duchovny is a sex addict. But it's nice to have it back :) I've also been watching the new season of Heroes. I wasn't sure I was going to do it this year, but I started to watch it and I like this season a lot better than Season 2. Speaking of ridiculous TV dramas, there's a 2 hour TV movie called "24: Redemption" on Sunday night. I guess cause they aren't coming back with the new season until January, they wanted to do something to keep viewers hooked. We'll see if it works.
Oh! Also! I keep forgetting to tell you a story. Or maybe I told you and forgot? Anyhow. My parents had a giant rubber tree that they gave me a couple of years ago. I propagated it into a little rubber plant for Michael and Heidi as a housewarming gift when they moved. Then when we took off to Vancouver, we had to leave our plants behind. So I gave the rubber plant to Michael, and he gave me his little guy, and Colin and I put it in the car and took it across the country with us in one of the cup holders! And it survived, even when I ripped a leaf with my seatbelt. Well, today I transplanted it because it wasn't really growing and I figured it needed a bit bigger pot with better drainage. I hope it survives the operation...I tend to kill things when I move them. Anyhow, here's a photo of Mr Rubber Plant v2.1!
Throw a snowball for me ;)
1 comment:
nice to see more pics and I awww'd at Grumble's video. so sweet.
we have a foozeball table here too and it is annoying even if you get invited to play...
miss you!
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