750km - 956km
SSM Radio - Neil Diamond, The Band, Joni Mitchell
Buck 65 - Situation
Smog - Knock Knock
Dizzee Rascal - Maths and English
Grizzly Bear - Yellow House
Mogwai - The Hawk is Howling
Right now we're just leaving our campsite in Lake Superior Provincial Park - Agawa Bay. There's been no cellphone reception for the past few hours of driving yesterday, which sucked because it was Nicola's birthday yesterday and I didn't get to call her. I'm sure she'll understand though...I just hate missing stuff like that and wish I'd planned a bit better for it.
So yesterday was day 2. We left our motel room around 10:30am after a decent sleep interrupted once by what we decided were a 15 member mexican migrant worker family with screaming children who figured everyone should wake up to their yelling in whatever language it was while they packed up their minivans and left.
We went for breakfast at Mary's Place, a greasy spoon downtown, and then set out...for about 2 minutes. We turned a corner and saw two cops hanging out in the middle of the road. I thought maybe the town had such a problem with drinking and driving that it was a RIDE program, but no...it was a seatbelt check. And we hadn't put ours on yet. But small town folk are nice -- even the popo. They found out where we were from and what we were doing, and after the mandatory "what, they don't wear seatbelts in Toronto?" they sent us on our way without a fine. Yay! Back onto the TransCanada. Right away, the drive was breathtaking. The trees are incredible, and the highway is slightly more winding with more rises and falls. We decided to turn down a dirt road at one point to take some photos and ended up at this hidden dam with fences and barbed wire preventing entrance. However, it was a Sunday and no one was around so we squeezed through the gate and took a bunch of amazing photos of the rushing water and amazing colours. Then we kept driving! We didn't do much driving yesterday -- we decided to go to the big provincial park that spans 90km between SSM and Wawa and find a campsite for the night. We sorted that all out -- the campgrounds were still open and fully functional, but it was first come first served to pick sites. So we got one right on the beach, facing west over the lake. It's a nice spot, but there's not a ton of privacy between sites and it's so close to the highway that it sounds like constant trains passing in the night. After figuring out where we were going to sleep, we drove to a place about 15 km north called Orphan Lake, where we went on an 8km hike through the woods, down to Orphan Lake and back. I pride myself on being a pretty good wildlife spotter -- maybe because of my good ears -- but the ground was pretty rocky and strewn with tree roots so most of the time I was looking at my feet. We did manage to find a gross little toad, what I think was a grouse, and lots of little red squirrels. So far no moose, wolves or deer along the route. We hiked past a pond and stood there hoping to see a beaver or an otter or something, but alas, nothing stirred.

We got back to the campsite around 6:30pm and Colin set up the tent while I started the fire. An older couple came and set up camp at the site right besides us, which was annoying. It's not like there were many people even AT the park. We tried to drive them away by blasting Dizzee Rascal, but to no avail. My scathing glances did nothing to deter them either, oddly enough. Soon we made dinner -- a 3 course meal complete with some nice Wolf Blass cab sauv courtesy of my wonderful dad. The first course was Miss Vickies chips, followed by fire-smoked tomato soup. The entree was semi-charred baked potatoes with melted cheddar cheese with a hint of aluminum foil, and fire-roasted cheese and tomato sandwiches. Those were definitely the piece-de-resistance. We had bought a hot dog bbq stick in SSM but then forgot to buy veggie dogs. These aren't exactly easy to come by in Northern Ontario, and we didn't figure driving past the park to Wawa was really worth it. So instead, we used the prongs to wedge the sandwich between the two forks, and voila - toasted deliciousness!
By the time we finished eating, I was so freezing cold that there was no other choice than to head to the tent. Colin had set it up perfectly, with two sleeping bags zipped together and our precious red down blanket in the middle. Unfortunately in the middle of the night we discovered that the air mattress obviously had a leak. Fortunately the ground was flat and sandy, so it wasn't too bad.

I was finally able to bring myself to read the cards from Robin and my mom and dad. This was the only time that I cried a bit yesterday...just thinking about leaving the only place I've known and starting this new chapter of my life. It's scary, but I know I have a lot of support and that I'll never be alone. It'll just be different. I'm looking forward to being able to unpack all our familiar belongings. I know this might not be for over a month, and that this traveling is just a vacation to prepare for the hard times ahead, but it'll all happen in due course and until then, I'll just enjoy the amazing scenery and company.
PS. Right now Wilbur is sitting on Colin's lap with his little frog paws on the wheel. Super cute!!
Today wasn't very good for animal petting. Our encounters were all from afar -- the grouse, the icky toad, the squirrels. The best was at the Canadian Carver store before the park -- two beautiful husky dogs in the back of a station wagon. Oh yeah also, two stuffed wolves. Yum. Today we're on our way to see the Big Canada Goose and the Big Wolf in Wawa...hopefully I will pet some real animals too.
Shout outs to Lenny and Squiggy!! I hope Jen hasn't been scaring you with her nudity since we've left.

those wolves are amazing! too bad you couldn't take one with you while cross country travelin'.
happy to see your pictures!
Keep on truckin! Slowpokes.
Wait a second - i think i recognize that title from somewhere!
ya know i've been trying to come up with a halloween costume idea, and i think you might have presented the best idea: a 15 member mexican migrant worker family with screaming children who figured everyone should wake up to their yelling in whatever language it was while they packed up their minivans and left.
now, how do i make myself into 15 mexicans? thats the only problem!
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